Tuesday, January 8, 2019

In Case You Where Wondering Where I Disappeared To....

I realized I have not posted in here in September of 2018 and there is a really good reason for that my friends. In September I started to read and sew less because it was harder to see. I thought maybe at 59 it was old age creeping up on me. Yes, 59 is not really that old but in my family 59 is pretty young. My daddy passed at 53 and my mom left this world at 75. So 59 with health issues IS getting Up there in age. Anyways... reading was getting harder and harder and the Font size Larger and Bigger on my Kindle. When I was commissioned to create a baby mobile (which of course became a gift) for my nephew and his wife (picture below) that is when I learned there was a major problem that was not old age creeping in. My eyes had an issue. So off to the eye specialist I went and long and short of it 2 eye surgeries in the month of December and no reading for a while. I am still not allowed to read. OH How Hard is THIS for a book a day book addict!!!

So, while i am not reading I am trying to relax... notice I said trying... but as soon as I was released to sew a wee bit we did create the baby mobile for my grand nephew's nursery. His daddy loves the Boston Red Sox so there is a little hat tip to his team on the mobile for PJ. Hubs made the wooden part and helped with the jeep too. He also made the chalk board and I made the felt flowers. They were so much fun. I think i need to make more of those to go on a few dolls in the future or maybe some wreaths. 
I had a wonderful time at the baby shower and wow testing my new eyes out... learned that it really makes a difference for me being able to see made it so much better in my "hearing" folks. (I read lips.)  Now I am just waiting to get cleared to read books and hopefully get some reading glasses soon. Until then it is resting and a little bit of sewing each day. Of course spending time with Zoebug, Marty and Keelee.

Hope you all had a wonderful end to 2018 and are having a great start to 2019. Mine is looking great so far. 

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