Friday, June 19, 2015

Welcome to Flipped My Pages

Welcome to Flipped My Pages.
Four years ago I had a series of strokes that took away a good part of my memories. Memories of things that were going on at that time. My oldest daughter's wedding and the birth of my first grand daughter Zoe. While recovering and going through more strokes and recovery, I ordered a kindle and re-discovered the joy of reading. I read and read and did not think anything about it other than MAN i was spending more money than I really should be spending on Amazon, but I never thought to actually track how many books I actually read until this year when I accepted a book challenge on Goodreads.

The challenge was to pick a number and log your book as reviews into Goodreads and also into any other book sites that your purchase your books from throughout the year. At the end of the year see if you have reached your goal. Hey, that sounds great I can do that and it was also a great way to remind me to review the books that I read. (I was very bad about moving right into a new book and forgetting to review the book that I finished. I still have marathon review sessions but I do review every book I read now.)

Once I hit 200 books June 1 i realized it was time to start blogging about some of my favorite or maybe not so favorite books, so that is where Flipped My Pages came to be. I hope you will follow along and join in the fun. Let me know what books you like or not. Share your thoughts and comments are always welcomed as long as they are constructive,

Come along with me as I Flipped My Pages on more Books as this year moves forward!

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