Thursday, July 2, 2015

Review of Out of Your Mind, Daisy's Choice

This is indeed a darker book than The Naked Chef was.
The Book starts off with Daisy ending up in a small town in Ca off the highway. She is stopping off for some food and looking for a job. A job and place to live while she could eat and still send money home to take care of her mom who was in special care. Of course she meets Lupe. Who feeds her and introduces her to Garrett Brinkley an artist that she knows all about from school.

Daisy ends up working at his house and art gallery and ends up in his life.

Garrett and Daisy are as different as night and day. She is young and bright. He is older and dark. She is an aspiring art major and he is the dark brooding artist who has a phobia about people. They both need each other. He needs her a whole lot more than she needs him but she  is drawn to him. Tied to him in such a way that is really not healthy.

When I read it the first time and I read the book twice... I saw deep dark controlling issues with Garrett. At first to me he was abusive. The second time I read the book I looked deeper and did NOT see that in as much as I saw this fear of people and being alone, unable to be loved.

These two people are drawn to each other. They have been brought together by some force as you would that brings out the not so much good in in but "better" in  him and in Daisy she is letter to grow up.

This is a good read and one that I will read more than the two times that I have. Looking forward to more of Garrett's story and more from Diane Hernandez. She has shown she is a very talented writer.

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