Then we move on into The Bull Rider's Return by Joan Kilby on August 27th.
We are just getting started with our Cowboys and having a Good Ole Time here in Marietta.
Labor Day weekend has you all rested and relaxed and that is a good thing because look what is going to hit your eReaders on September 4th. OH MY STARS and Lassos!
Sinclair Jayne (Thank you!) is giving us Boone and Piper's story and Look at this Cowboy in Cowboy Come Home.
Oh Yes that sure is a pretty cowboy there! So folks that is just a samplin' of the 79th Copper Mountain Rodeo Books that are going to be hitting your favorite sellers between now and September 30. To See all the listings as well as other upcoming publications just visit
If you love Marietta, Montana like I do I would love to invite you to join the Main St Marietta Group on Facebook. We talk all things Montana Born in there and even have Marietta Book parties.
Ya know I can't let a leave without sharing what I think about Sarah Mayberry's
The Cowboy Meets His Match right...

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What a perfect book to open the 79th Copper Mountain Rodeo with!
This is one of those books that I have to say tire at my heart strings as much as it also made me want to beat the ever love stuff out of some bronco riders. I love Marietta and this book was like coming home again. Jesse is a rodeo cowboy and we have read about him here and there in other books. I am so happy to finally get to see the inside struggles and gentleman cowboy he can be. Cassidy Jane or CJ oh my word this gal sets the rodeo circuit in both good and bad ways. Author Sarah Mayberry knowledge of both the rodeo as well as ranch life is so real and I have to say I can't wait to read more Carmody family stories soon.
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